This tree was transplanted to this location on Feb 2010, so by the time girth measurement was taken at the time of writing, it has been about 7.5 years. The girth taken on Feb 2010 was 1.5m, or DBH 0.48m or 18.78 inches. By the rule of thumb, it was estimated that it would take 19 years for the tree to recover from transplantation. However, the girth has increased since then to 1.65m, or DBH 0.525m or 20.67 inches. The increase in trunk caliper in these 7.5 years was 1.89 inches, hence possibly debunking the theory that it would take one year to recover from transplanting for every inch of trunk caliper.
Bulge in union of codominant branches.
Fungal fruiting bodies gone, but some fuzzies was still there, indicating that bark was moist.