Sunday, April 27, 2014

Feeding squirrels and mistletoes

There was a squirrel feeder in our office compound and it was being stocked up diligently, in order to entice squirrels to keep coming. But wasthat the right thing to do, for wild animals to have part of their diet contributed by humans?

Got your attention right?

The squirrel feeder was to be left of the near bald Lagerstroemia tree. Why was the tree so? Note that the Lagerstroemia to the right seemed to be relatively healthy.

The tree was rid of mistletoes, which was festooned on it!

Some of the mistletoes sprouts were about 7 cm high, and could be spotted on the top of a 4 metre tree.

This was just 2 cm tall and cannot be seen with naked eyes when on the top of a 4 metre tree.

The Lagerstroemia tree putting out new leaves soon after the heavy pruning. Thank goodness.

So what happened?
  • Squirrel may have emptied their bowels on the tree before and after tucking in at the feeder, and probably deposited the seeds of the mistletoe fruits they ate earlier.
  • Are mistletoes desired or tolerated on trees in the garden? If no, there should be no feeder or the feeder should be located in a more obscure area.
  • Could mistletoes be culled before they set root? When high up in a tree, the chances of spotting mistletoe sprouts are low.